Max Toy & Mark Nagata Updates

Bunch of updates ! First up painted these rainbow Gyogura for Gumtaro x Medicom !

I believe the pre order is still up via Medicom …limited as always !



Gumtaro has been around awhile but seems to have really gained a well deserved following of late.. his monsters are super unique and fantastic ! Super honored to be asked to paint a run of his figure !


Above: Header card art I did for the Gyogura release .. Galaxy style of course !


Finished this She-Ra inspired painting for an upcoming Gallery 1988 Mattel Toy Art show, curated by Chogrin. Check the gallery site for more details…


Acrylics on board and about 10×15 inches 😉 I’ll post a step by step as soon as the show debuts.

Will be receiving these incredible Hawaiian Kaiju Drazoran soon ! Each hand crafted by artists Seth Longmire and Laura Longmire ! More details to follow .. but here’s a peek ! If you check Seth’s Instagram ( @sethlongmire ) you’ll see much more … !


There’s more news coming very soon including a big toy announcement !