Tag Archives: monster kolor

Max Toy Updates July

Sorry again for the lack of updates here .. always best to check out our Instagram ( @maxtoyco ) or get on our mailing list via the web site : www.maxtoyco.com

Here’s a typical email we send out every 2 weeks or soย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Look for new Ultraman colorways this month too !!!


Hi Max Toy Fans !

I’ll have to some Dragon Boy Super’s from artist Martin Hsu for his online SDCC show. Stay tuned for pics and follow Martin for more info. Can i just say, that besides being a super good guy, Martin is one of the hardest working artists I know ! Plus how he manages to produce such cute and beautiful work is beyond me !

Giant sized, 18 inches tall soft vinyl Kaiju Eyezon micro run by Mark Nagata of only x3 pieces ! Original figure sculpted by Joe Somers / Squibblies Ink and produced by EW Factory !

Order the Rotten Space Potato here: https://www.maxtoyco.com/Store/Kaiju-Eyezon-Giant-sized-Max-Toy-x-Squibbles-Ink-EW-factory-Rotten-Potato/2015

Pre Order our brand new Shin Eyezon is ending soon ! This first release is on pure Glow in Dark sofubi ! Excuse my poor mock up, but you get the idea ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s a pre order, however we expect them by late August. Designed by artist Sophie Campbell and sculpted by Beth Graves !

Pre Order here: https://www.maxtoyco.com/Store/PRE-ORDER-Shin-Eyezon-Glow-in-Dark-Kaiju-artist-Sophie-Campbell/2013

And Max has painted this awesome Axron now via this link !

As always, thank you for the continued support !

Legendary sculptor Paul Komoda Alien Xam ! Just a small tease of what Paul is working on and I have to say you guys will be flat out blown away by his take on our character ! I’m hoping we can get this done and out by years end .. so stay tuned for more progress pics on it !

All customs have now shipped ! Phew .. looking forward to you guys getting Javier’s work in your hands !

Pre order for the latest black glitter Ultraman has ended. We will proceed with production very soon.

Coming in August 28th – 29th, via PopShopLive app, I will be participating in their Dcon Online show ! Hopefully if I can figure out the app again will be selling Kaiju stuff to you ! But, I’m a but confused but looks like you have to purchase a ticket this time (?) Best to follow them on Instagram for more info. I’ll post more as I know more ;-P

Landing this month … new Ultraman colorways !!!

And, as California opens up, it looks like there will be in person Dcon this year in Anaheim in November ( barring any covid flare ups) So, I will plan to have my booth and attend ! ๐Ÿ˜‰

You’ve heard me say how my orders are stuck in the factories .. welp we hopefully will have that resolved in August and get back on track. Long story ๐Ÿ˜‰

As always, appreciate your continued support !

Your Kaiju Pal,


Father & Son custom show

Sorry for this VERY late post about the Father & Son custom show .. but we had it and everything Sold Out ! Thank you SO much to everyone who bought something as well to just the nice notes sent along ! Max has really grown, not only as a person but also as a artist and toy painter ! He’s starting back to his Art school, so maybe I’ll get him to do a few more customs before his Fall termย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Below are some of Max’s customs, which are now sold !

Max Toy Updates

Oops, I’m way behind on updates and sorry to say most of the items below have sold out ;-( Best way to keep up to date on Max Toy stuff is via my instagram : maxtoyco

I’ll just dump all the images below in no particular order ….

Licensed Kanegon Tsuburaya Pro Japan (sold out)
Clear Green Tanks ( sold out )
Don Smiles Mark Torres designed head (Only a few remain !)
Ollie Otter ! Only a few remain !
Micro run Sofubi-man for OneUp store Tokyo

Micro run Sofubi-man for OneUp store Tokyo
Special Rainbow Man of Many Weapons by Mark Nagata ( see Max Toy web store !) Includes Rainbow rubber star !
Custom Death Goliathon Ape. Produced by Planet X Asia, custom painted by Mark Nagata. One of a kind Kaiju Ape now in the Max Toy web store !

Michael Devera painted Boy Karma micro run. Now sold out !
Visited “Kaiju vs Heroes” this past weekend. Amazing wall of coloring sheets by visitors ! There’s some real gems up there ๐Ÿ˜‰ Show runs thru July 7th, 2019 at the Japanese American National Museum.

Mark Nagata x Diemouse Kaiju customs

Been working hard on these x7 Diemouse Kaiju figures ! Each is one of a kind and painted by Mark Nagata. Signed and dated and numbered 1/1 on the feet. Currently they are being offered to Max Toy club members. Remaining pieces will post up on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2018 via our web store – https://www.maxtoyco.com/shop_cat.php

at a random time. These will be sold, randomly, so you can not choose which one you may want. But, in my opinion, they all look greatย  ;-P

And, a few, feature a baby doll type of middle eye, that closes when you lay the figure downย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ All were painted with Monster Kolor paints !

Good luck !





Max Toy Company Booth 832 Dcon Nov 16-18, 2018



I’m still painting away, but here’s some of what we will have at our Dcon booth 832 this year ! We will be next to our buddies Sunguts / Blobpus and Cat Magic Toys !

See you all soon and thank you for the support !





Plus ( not shown ) very cool, mini Astronauts brand new from MadMonk1869 at our booth !

Custom painted by Mark Nagata, SUM Kaiju from PlanetX Asia x Bob Conge ! This sucker is huge, glow in dark and lights up !



above and below, special “Real Type” customs by Mark Nagata. These take much longer than the other customs but also allow for a more “real” look to themย  ๐Ÿ˜‰


There’s more I’m bringing .. but this will give you an ideaย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Dcon Nov 16-18th – Max Toy Booth 832 Updates

Hi Folks, it’s almost that time of the year .. Dcon ! It will be our second year, and we’ve got a ton of great exclusives, special toy debut and celebrity signing with Master Martial Artist Gerald Okamura ( Man of Many Weapons ! ) and more !

Our Max Toy Company booth is 832 and more info on Dcon here: https://www.designercon.com/

This year we are in the same row as Sunguts / Blobpus, and Cat Magic Toys ! Plus, Yo-san will be making his first appearance at a USA toy showย  ;-P This will prove, we are indeed two separate people !!

Here’s a few items we are bringing … but there’s more, which we will post soon ! We will do our best to save some items for Saturday as I don’t want everything selling out on Friday (Preview night).



More exclusives to post in a few days !!!

Custom Kaiju Eyezon & Argus Mark Nagata

Just posted a few new customs for direct sales via the Max Toy web store ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kaiju Eyezon and Alien Argus both painted by Mark Nagata, using Monster Kolor paints.

Each is one of a kind, painted figures and signed on the feet. Both have glossy final coatings and a micro fine glitter you can see in the Sunย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Here’s the links:






New Max Boys are coming real soon plus a micro run of TriPasu !

Here’s the pics, Argus first …



and now Eyezon !



Max Toy x HAGA custom kaiju figures

Hi Max Toy Fans !
One of the cool things to come out of my recent trip to Shanghai was meeting many Chinese toy makers. One of them, called Haga , showed me his new figure called HooDoo.
Today, I’m happy to say I’ve painted x5 unique, customs of HooDoo and now offer them to you ๐Ÿ˜‰
Now posted up here’s the direct links to our web store:
Painted with Monster Kolor paints and over mostly clear soft vinyl, but there’s a couple of Milky White vinyl ones too.
Thank you again for the support and supporting this new generation of Monster Toy makers ๐Ÿ˜‰
If you have not heard already, Whitney Kerr ( Kirby & Whitney of Rotofugi ) has past away after a courageous battle with cancer. I’m not very good at expressing my feelings ( and rarely do so online) but I wanted to say my family and I express our deepest condolences to Kirby & Laszlo and their family. Besides being early art toy / kaiju toys supporters ( from my super7 days) they both did not hesitate to help support Max Toys from day one. I’ll remember her quick, dry wit and no bullshit answers ๐Ÿ˜‰
The family requests donations to the Whitney Kerr Memorial Fund (to be used for Laszloโ€™s education) in lieu of flowers:
Whitney Kerr Memorial Fund
Bank of the Ozarks
608 East Page Avenue
Malvern, AR 72104
Or PayPal to kirby@rotofugi.com, please note that it is for the Whitney Kerr Memorial Fund.
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