Tag Archives: made in japan

Pre Order Pink Super Glitter Eyezon and More !

Here’s what we’ve been up to lately ๐Ÿ˜‰ Follow our Instagram @maxtoyco, we are also on Twitter (X), Facebook, Threads and Cara .. phew .. to be honest I bit too many for my liking … but for now I try my best to post once daily. Also via our web site you can sign up for our email list, too. In no particular order some stuff … www.maxtoyco.com

Pre Orders now for our next Super Glitter Eyezon, this time with Pink clear vinyl !

Mini Eyezon with gold glitter now in our web store !

Peek at our upcoming figure collab called Purrberus ! Designed and sculpted by super talented @beelzabeth666 Liz Johnson !

Header art by Mark Nagata, not digital ๐Ÿ˜‰

New Eyezon, Made in Spain, collab with Javier Jimenez @javierjimenezxl and digital sculpt by Andrea Calleja @tostadaunicorn ! Soon !

Mark Nagata Collection Video

As usual, late to update these pages .. for up to the minute news follow or check our Instagram : @maxtoyco

Just released is a video profile of myself and Ultraman toy collection via the Magnificent World of Toys YouTube channel !

Here’s the direct link to my profile:

Roger and Issac traveled up to interview and film me over 5+ hours a few weeks back and I think you will agree the video is awesome ! If you like it, please Like and Subscribe to Roger’s channel. And, I highly recommend checking out his other profiles … I like learning about other collectors and artists .. and to be honest I find the ones that I most like are the smaller collections ๐Ÿ˜‰

I hope you guys enjoy this glimpse into my toy room and collecting journey !

Max Toy Booth 233 Designer Con 2023 Dcon

Hi Guys ! This Friday and Saturday is the last Dcon in California (as if moves to Las Vegas next year) And, as the Toy Gods have deemed it I wrecked my back moving boxes preparing for Dcon ๐Ÿ™ Don’t worry, I’m improving but can not attend Dcon.

But, Max Nagata will be there with our exclusives (see below) and nice selection of customs ! If you’re going be sure to stop by and say “Hi” to Max and to make sure he’s doing ok ๐Ÿ˜‰

Max Toy Booth 233 , along side Sunguts (234), Monster Patrol and Marusan (235)! Also look for Frank Mysterio in our booth on Sunday !

Exclusives include Ultraman & Gomess (from the Shin Ultraman movie), each sold separately, CAMO Gerald Okamura !




New Ultraman, Aliens and Kaiju !

Licensed through U.S. Tsuburaya Fields Media & Pictures Entertainment company, Tsuburaya Productions, we present “Kaiju Soko” series ( Kaiju Warehouse ) !

Images and links below, Thanks for the support !

Now via the Max Toy web store :

Glow in Dark Meflias

Glow in Dark Kaiju Twintails

Marbled Ultraman

Super Glitter Alien Baltan



New items arrive

Once again, very slow to update here, as always updates can found via Instragram @maxtoyco or join our mailing list !

Here’s whats arrived:

Getter 2 – clear Red and Blue

Mazinger Z Pastel colorways

Glow Garamon PRE ORDER

Gold Dust Alien Xam ( 2.0)


More soon !!!

Max Toy BIG updates

Once again, sorry for not updating this page, but if you want almost daily updates please check my Instagram page : @maxtoyco

First, just got back from Tokyo after over 3 years and in brief had an absolute wonderful time ! Have things changed ? Yes, they have … for one, 99.9% of the people wear a mask everywhere, so it was a struggle to wear a mask basically all day (for me !). As an observation even way out in the middle of now where and outside, with a single guy across the street, he kept his mask onย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ Anyways, not putting down anyone, just a mindset shift compared to here. My main reason to go was to catch up in person with toy friends and attend Winter Wonderfest. I’ll write more about that later after my jet lag passes .. it’s true the older you get the worse the adjustment is coming home (!) Toy shopping wise made it to a few places, but found a lack of Bullmark/Marusan figures .. gone were the days of 3-4+ rows deep of them and at least 5-6+ full cases … now they were single file/row, spread out and barely a few cases for vintage or a mix of vintage with newer Medicom stuff. I can only speculate the vintage stuff is mostly online now, which makes total sense since foreign collectors have not really returned (yet). Oh, I have to say, I’d say I’m an advanced collector and the shelves had vinyls, but lots of newer stuff, that I had zero interest in ๐Ÿ˜‰

Ok on to the news … ! Our big news is Max Toy’s upcoming release of Ultraman and Gomess from the Shin Ultraman movie ! Fully licensed and ยฉ๏ธŽ2022 SUMFP ยฉ๏ธŽTPC !

These will be released in the USA, I hope around May .. so look for a possibe Pre Order in April.. details soon !

Now Sold Out ( although check back to see if any are left in a few days as we ship them out ) Red Clear Mazinger Z figure !

and don’t forget we have Getter 2 figures now in stock and shipping:

Ok more news very soon and thank you again for the support !


Max Toy Updates

Once again, behind on posting some of these items.. you can find them in our web store but also via the links below. Thank you for the continued support and more stuff has just shipped from Japan so stay tuned !



new custom Kaiju Eyezons painted by Mark Nagata ! each is one of kind and glow !




Sorry now sold out micro run of Neo Eyezon glows by Michael Devera.

(above) In progress, Shin Eyezon guts ! Iron Molds are done and parts have been ordered so look for a Pre Order soon. By the way, the guts can stand on their own and will be sold by themselves at some pointย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

and finally a peek at upcoming Tsuburaya Productions releases !

Massive Max Toy Updates

Sorry, have been so busy that I’ve forgotten to update over here ! As always best to follow @maxtoyco via Instagram or sign up for our email list.

Not in any particular order here’s some new items in stock now in our web store !


New Max Boy after a year !



Marbled Kaiju Tanks !












and we have the first release Red colorway of the Getters tooย  ๐Ÿ˜‰



Much more on the wayย  …. ! Thanks for the support !



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