Shanghai Toy Show 2018 Max Toy Booth CO2

I’m off to Shanghai, we have a booth( CO2 ) at this huge show called Shanghai Toy Show (STS). Our booth mates include Jay222 and Aaron Arel of UhOh Toys.

The prep for this was pretty grueling for me … before I started a fellow artist told me to prepare up to x500 pieces (!!) I mostly paint my figures, so there’s really no way I could do this … but i think I managed to paint a nice selection of micro runs ( pic above ) and some one offs.

I won’t be updating or posting at all while I’m gone because from China, because no Facebook / Instagramย  ;-P

Well, you can if you do some tech stuff, but I just didn’t want to go thru all the steps, so I won’tย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

And, if you buy anything from our site starting today, April 1st thru April 9th, we will not be shipping till April 10th ;-P

I’ll make a post once I get back, so wish me luck in bring back an empty suit case ๐Ÿ˜‰