Tag Archives: kaiju

Mark Nagata Customs

Randomly posting up for sale, customs .. most have sold.. but more to be posted in the next week. Best to follow my Instagram @maxtoyco for peeks on what I’m working on ! Plus, will have a few more fully painted Sofubi-man posted as well !

Figure produced by PlanetX Asia
Figure produced by PlanetX Asia
Figure produced by Magitarius
Figure produced by Magitarius
Figure produced by Magitarius
Figure produced by Magitarius
Painted by Max Nagata
Painted by Max Nagata

Drazoran micro run

Artist Michael Devera has worked his magic once again on these Kaiju Drazoran ! Really nice and only x3 of them ! Last one now in our web store: https://www.maxtoyco.com/shop_item.php?id=1545

Colors Inspired by Nature !

Also, check out @pwnaliciou5 and his Kickstarter for his Eye Podd kaiju toy. I will be painting one ( I think the tier is sold now) but plenty of other super duper artists lending their talents to the cause … check it out !

And, a peek at a Japan Wonderfest only new Toho Hedorah from Max Toys and Yo-san ! Sculpted by Pico Pico ! Sorry, this is a One Day license item, so NO overseas sales. You have to attend the event or have a friend there get one for you.

Max Toy Updates

I’m way behind on a few updates so will do my best to catch up here… First off Thank You so much to everyone who came out to see Gerald Okamura, buy his figure, get a autograph and picture. We had a great turn out and Gerald is a masterful storyteller ! I posted a brief clip view my Instagram: maxtoyco which is pretty funny ;-P

Only a few figures and prints are left exclusively via Japanese American National Museum web store : https://janmstore.com/collections/kaiju-vs-heroes Scroll down to the bottom.

I also gave a tour of my exhibit “Kaiju vs Heroes” for museum members. Always glad to inform people about Japanese toys ๐Ÿ˜‰

also had some nice Press for the show … KORE media

and here in San Francisco, nice article from Nichi Bei Weekly newspaper.

In a few weeks, should be able to announce something about the exhibit but for now must remain silent ;-P

Mark Nagata x Diemouse Kaiju customs

Been working hard on these x7 Diemouse Kaiju figures ! Each is one of a kind and painted by Mark Nagata. Signed and dated and numbered 1/1 on the feet. Currently they are being offered to Max Toy club members. Remaining pieces will post up on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2018 via our web store – https://www.maxtoyco.com/shop_cat.php

at a random time. These will be sold, randomly, so you can not choose which one you may want. But, in my opinion, they all look greatย  ;-P

And, a few, feature a baby doll type of middle eye, that closes when you lay the figure downย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ All were painted with Monster Kolor paints !

Good luck !





Max Toy Dcon Wrap Up 2018

Fantastic Dcon ! Thank you for all the kind words and support !! I’m a bit overwhelmed by all the fans who came up to say “Hello” and who saw the “Kaiju vs Heroes” exhibit at the Japanese American National Museum !! When we were planning the museum exhibit, it was my hope that if anything my story would inspire people to pursue their dreams and that you can do it !

We sold out of almost everything we brought … have only x3 Kanegon and x3 glow Otters so will post them later today. A few customs will post as well ๐Ÿ˜‰

The bigger Dcon venue allowed for more room for the crowds which was nice and of course more vendors. I wish I had more time to just wander the con and didn’t get to connect with everyone I wanted too .. but we’ll be back next year ๐Ÿ˜‰ So many talented artists at the show .. I highly recommend attending next year if you can.

Here’s a few misc pictures with my booth mates Sunguts, Blobpus, DaiKaiju Salon ( Kobeni-chan), Suzuki and Doug Hardy ( Cat Magic Toys ) !

Visited the exhibit with the Japan crewย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Below: We had the honor of having the Legendary Martial Artist and Actor, Gerald Okamura at our booth. We sold out of the first Man of Many Weapons Sofubi and had a great signing event ! Look for a new release January 6th, 2019 at the Japanese American National Museum, with another signing and on stage interview with Gerald ! See the museum web site for more details !!


Max Toy Company Booth 832 Dcon Nov 16-18, 2018



I’m still painting away, but here’s some of what we will have at our Dcon booth 832 this year ! We will be next to our buddies Sunguts / Blobpus and Cat Magic Toys !

See you all soon and thank you for the support !





Plus ( not shown ) very cool, mini Astronauts brand new from MadMonk1869 at our booth !

Custom painted by Mark Nagata, SUM Kaiju from PlanetX Asia x Bob Conge ! This sucker is huge, glow in dark and lights up !



above and below, special “Real Type” customs by Mark Nagata. These take much longer than the other customs but also allow for a more “real” look to themย  ๐Ÿ˜‰


There’s more I’m bringing .. but this will give you an ideaย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Max Toy Updates

Sorry for the lack of updates here .. you can up to the minute ones via my Instagram: maxtoyco

In no particular order … more Press for “Kaiju vs Heroes” show at the Japanese American National Museum

Actual printed stuffย  ๐Ÿ˜‰


Below, my recent October visit to the show, recorded a pod cast interview with Ken Fong and his podcast Asian America :ย  http://asianamericapodcast.com/

My segment is not up yet but I’ll post a link here once it is !

Also, had some really nice fan interactions with many people at the show. I’m touched that people are really taking to the toys and the wonderful displays the museum came up with. But most of all that many are connecting to my story and of being Asian American.

Plus continued painting the massive Neo Eyezon … I think if I finish before the show is over, we will give it away .. but working on the details !



Here’s a special, hand painted with acrylics Real Type Sofubi-man by Mark Nagata. This one has sold and was sent to OneUp in Tokyo for their anniversary show.


and below, slowly revealing our Dcon 2018 exclusives …. clear Cute Eyezon ! Don’t worry there’s a lot more for the show to be shown .. soon ! Our booth is 832 ! More details soon !

Ollie Otter & Appearance at Kaiju vs Heroes exhibit

Releasing this week, our new Ollie Otter in a fantastic mini size ! Sculpted by Makino-san to cute perfection ! We are offering it to Max Club Members first, but should have some remaining … so check the Max Toy web store this Friday, Oct 5th, 2018 !



Ollie stands about 4.25 inches tall by 4 inches wide ( to tail tip !)

And, I will be back at the Kaiju vs Heroes exhibit at the Japanese American National Museum on Saturday, October 20th, 2018 ! We’ll be releasing a new limited run of original Kaiju TriPus on glow vinyl. Plus I’ll be signing any books/ merch while I’m there. Probably be painting that huge Eyezon as well.

Also, prepping for Dcon ! You can find us at booth 832 ! Plus next to us will be Sunguts / Blobpus and next to them Cat Magic Toys !!! Good chance to meet the guys from Japan !

More news soon !!

Kaiju vs Heroes at Japanese American National Museum Press

Nice selection of press for the Kaiju vs Heroes show at the Japanese American National Museum.

Cover story for the LA Downtown News, September 24th issue, article by Sean P. Thomas: http://www.ladowntownnews.com/

View the full issue online, or if grab a copy this week in LAย  ๐Ÿ˜‰


And another from LAMag.com by writer, Liz Ohanesian: https://www.lamag.com/culturefiles/mark-nagata-kaiju-vs-heroes/


Below a segment on Fuji Sankei TV : Kaiju vs Heroes with Mark Nagata that aired locally on KXLA TV in LA. I have a serious Kaiju face in this screen grab ;-P

Kaiju vs Heroes runs till March 24th, 2019 at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles, California.ย 

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