Max Toy Booth 233 Designer Con 2023 Dcon

Hi Guys ! This Friday and Saturday is the last Dcon in California (as if moves to Las Vegas next year) And, as the Toy Gods have deemed it I wrecked my back moving boxes preparing for Dcon 🙁 Don’t worry, I’m improving but can not attend Dcon.

But, Max Nagata will be there with our exclusives (see below) and nice selection of customs ! If you’re going be sure to stop by and say “Hi” to Max and to make sure he’s doing ok 😉

Max Toy Booth 233 , along side Sunguts (234), Monster Patrol and Marusan (235)! Also look for Frank Mysterio in our booth on Sunday !

Exclusives include Ultraman & Gomess (from the Shin Ultraman movie), each sold separately, CAMO Gerald Okamura !