Tag Archives: kaiju

Kaiju vs Heroes exclusives Japanese American National Museum

Only 9 days away from the opening of my exhibit, Kaiju vs Hereos at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles !!! You can now pre order some exclusives items via their web store : https://janmstore.com/collections/kaiju-vs-heroes

Like this cool Captain Maxx mugย  ๐Ÿ˜‰


Special print of the signature show image by the amazing photographer Brian McCarty ! Also, come on the Saturday September 15th, 2018 opening and get Brian to sign the print !!

exclsuive mini Kaiju Drazoran and Kaiju Eyezons !!!

Toy Karma, my first self published book will also be for sale ! Softcover, 6×8 inches, and 60 full color pages. Details my toy life and career but also how the internment of my parents and their families during World War 2 affected my life. Many thanks to FlabSlab for their design production help and to Maria Kwong and Edward Kwan for writing support !



Super cool, anatomy Kaiju Eyezon tshirt too !

There’s more, so check out the museums web store and there’s customs and Marusan exclusives that will only be in the physical store .. so please try to visit the museum in person ! Show runs for 6 months, till March 24th, 2019 !!! Monthly events are planned, so check the museum web site : http://www.janm.org/exhibits/kaiju-vs-heroes/


Custom Kaiju Eyezon & Argus Mark Nagata

Just posted a few new customs for direct sales via the Max Toy web store ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kaiju Eyezon and Alien Argus both painted by Mark Nagata, using Monster Kolor paints.

Each is one of a kind, painted figures and signed on the feet. Both have glossy final coatings and a micro fine glitter you can see in the Sunย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Here’s the links:






New Max Boys are coming real soon plus a micro run of TriPasu !

Here’s the pics, Argus first …



and now Eyezon !



Kaiju vs Heroes Mark Nagata’s Journey through the World of Japanese Toys Japanese American National Museum

After 3+ years in the planning, my Kaiju themed museum show is almost ready to open ! Please follow the Japanese American National Museum for up to date info but the exhibit opens on September 15th , 2018 ! I will be there all day Saturday and most of Sunday. We have signings, exclusives toys, special appearances and much more planned !

Plus, now is your chance to see over 300 pieces from the Nagata Kaiju / Hero collectionย  ๐Ÿ˜‰



Don Smiles Giant Robot CrusherG

First up we have only a few of artist Mark Torres’ Don Smiles left ! Go here to grab one ! https://www.maxtoyco.com/shop_item.php?id=1482ย 

Also, new CrusherG here: https://www.maxtoyco.com/shop_item.php?id=1483

and last but certainly not least, I have a Copic drawing ( pen and ink ) in the 15th Anniversary Giant Robot gallery show ! ( thank you Sold !)

Thanks everyone ! Sorry, super busy as the museum arrives soon to wrap and take away hundreds of toys for the Kaiju vs Heroes show in September !! More info very soon … !

Max Toy Updates

Random updates and such … the big news coming up is we will have a one day, licensed sofubi Toho Hedorah at Wonderfest Japan ! Plus other goodies …

We will not, and can not sell Hedorah or the other one day only licensed items… Sorry !

For full info, follow Yo-san via his Instagram: @quackmaxx and again, these are Japan only items.


Low stock on our recently released Lunar Cats and Tiger Boss as well ! You can find them via our web store : https://www.maxtoyco.com/shop_cat.php


Very busy of late with final prep for the Kaiju vs Heroes show at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles (!) The curator of the show, Maria Kwong stopped by for three days of picking vintage toys for the show .. this on the heels of some additional filming by Akira for something very cool for the show ( I can’t say just yet ! ) Show opens on September 15th, 2018 ! It will run for 6 months until March 2019 .. so you have plenty of time to go see it ! More news about various events etc very soon !

Max Toy x HAGA custom kaiju figures

Hi Max Toy Fans !
One of the cool things to come out of my recent trip to Shanghai was meeting many Chinese toy makers. One of them, called Haga , showed me his new figure called HooDoo.
Today, I’m happy to say I’ve painted x5 unique, customs of HooDoo and now offer them to you ๐Ÿ˜‰
Now posted up here’s the direct links to our web store:
Painted with Monster Kolor paints and over mostly clear soft vinyl, but there’s a couple of Milky White vinyl ones too.
Thank you again for the support and supporting this new generation of Monster Toy makers ๐Ÿ˜‰
If you have not heard already, Whitney Kerr ( Kirby & Whitney of Rotofugi ) has past away after a courageous battle with cancer. I’m not very good at expressing my feelings ( and rarely do so online) but I wanted to say my family and I express our deepest condolences to Kirby & Laszlo and their family. Besides being early art toy / kaiju toys supporters ( from my super7 days) they both did not hesitate to help support Max Toys from day one. I’ll remember her quick, dry wit and no bullshit answers ๐Ÿ˜‰
The family requests donations to the Whitney Kerr Memorial Fund (to be used for Laszloโ€™s education) in lieu of flowers:
Whitney Kerr Memorial Fund
Bank of the Ozarks
608 East Page Avenue
Malvern, AR 72104
Or PayPal to kirby@rotofugi.com, please note that it is for the Whitney Kerr Memorial Fund.
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