Tag Archives: kaiju

Dino Saikobi Glow in Dark !


Only a few pieces remain of these hand painted by Mark Nagata, these glow in the dark Dino Saikobi micros. A Max Toy / Monster Boogie production. Look for them in the Max Toy web store, also check out FOE gallery for the Negora-mon custom (http://www.shopfoe.com/collections/garamaniacal-too/products/negora-mon ).

Max Toys x TOYSREVIL turns Ten


Toy blogger and Artist Andy Heng who runs TOYSREVIL (http://toysrevil.blogspot.com/2015/02/toysrevil-turns-ten.html) blog, celebrates his 10 years of blogging and promoting Art Toys & Toys. I’m honored to be asked to help Andy celebrate .. details soon  😉 I had the pleasure of meeting Andy in Singapore several years ago. Not only a good guy and gentleman, I really don’t know how he does it all on his own at a nearly 24/7 pace ! His passion for Toys and Art is evident and we wish him much success for the next 10 years ! Go Andy !!!

Valentine’s Day Negora ( now sold out ) and FOE Gallery custom


Well, I’m a bit late posting this but the VDay Negora has now sold out (!) Thank you for the wonderful response 😉



Look for this custom by Mark Nagata for the Garamaniacal Too show at FOE gallery – http://www.shopfoe.com , opens Feb 13th, 2015. My take on the classic Kaiju Garamon, Negora-mon ! Using apoxie sculpt and Monster Kolor paints. Check out the other cool work as well !

Winter Wonder Festival & Kaiju Zanga Drip !


2015 Japan Winter Wonder Festival info :

Feb 8th 2015 Exclusives Booth 6-29-04.

One-day-licensed item #1
(From GEGEGE-no-Kitaro comic) 3500 yen
Copyright: Mizuki production.
Event exclusive.

One-day-licensed item #2
Sara-Kozo (From GEGEGE-no-Kitaro comic)
3800 yen
Copyright: Mizuki Production.

Event exclusive. One-day-licensed item #3
Kami-Neko & Yamamaya
(From Azumanga-Daio comic) 2600 yen (as a set)
Event exclusive.

Plus, Nyagira blue GID version 6500 yen Micro Negora blue GID version 3000 yen and more Sorry these are event only sales items ‪#‎Sofubi‬ ‪#‎limitededition‬ ‪#‎cats‬ ‪#‎meow‬ ‪#‎negora‬ ‪#‎nyagira‬ ‪#‎yokai‬

Say Hi to @quackmaxx at the show !


ZangaDripGroup72These awesome Kaiju Zanga will be up for sale real soon .. first offered to Max Toy Club Members this weekend  😉 Using a vinyl drip method over a yellow base. The various vinyl colors are actually dripped over the cast vinyl .. so each one is one of a kind ! Look for them in our web store … remember Zanga is a huge hunk of vinyl 😉

Thanks for your continued support … more goodies posting soon including a Valentines Day Negora !

Max Toy x Sanrio new Hello Kitty Kaiju !!!


From @jamuseum: Secret Glow Kitty Kaiju by Mark Nagata

Limited Quantity of 100, now available in the museum store & online at janmstore.com $40 each one per customer. Soft glow in the dark.

Exclusive to Japanese American National Museum !!! FYI – there are very limited quantities left in the museum store ( sold out online ! ).

Additional thanks to JapanLA & Sanrio !

Repost from @jamuseum: Secret Glow Kitty Kaiju by Mark Nagata Limited Quantity of 100, now available in the museum store & online at janmstore.com $40 each one per customer. Soft glow in the dark. @hellokitty @sanrio hellokitty40 janm limitededition MaxToy maxtoycompany Exclusive to Japanese American National Museum !!!

New Max Toy Kaiju items & show info


Happy New Year ! Lets get right to it .. first go on over to Kaiju Vinyl Legion, they will be offering this micro release of hand painted Kaiju Eyezons ! Limited to 4 pieces, each hand signed and painted by Mark Nagata using Monster Kolor paints.

This Saturday, check out the Text & Pictures show at Giant Robot, I have this hand drawn pen & ink Kaiju text artwork in the show. Sorry for the small-ish pic, but it’s about 8×10 inches on bristol paper, framed. Retail is $125.

I’m getting 6 of these special GID King Negora. The special part is we used blue glow vinyl, the result is well blue glow 😉 The remaining pieces are now in the web store: http://www.maxtoyco.com/shop_item.php?id=969

Also shown is the decomasu of our newest character Ringo Racoon 😉 Designed and sculpted by Pico Pico. This hand paint is used to make the metal paint masks … first release very soon, so stay tuned.

You’ll also notice that we have a revamped web site ! It was along time coming for sure .. let me know if you find any glitches or if something about it bugs you ;-P It will take awhile but hope to repost the old content at some point too.

Stay tuned for a Mechavirus Ammonaito release painted by me next week via Max Toy site… details in the next email. I’ll also be dropping random micro runs of various Max Toys in the web store so please check back.

And look for a new Sanrio x Max Toy Hello Kitty figure release only from Japanese American National Museum 😉 in January.

Thanks again for the ongoing support !

Your Kaiju Pal,


Welcome to Max Toy’s new Kaiju web site !


After 9 years, it was about time to refresh the web site and bring it into the smart phone era 😉 Yes, finally you can browse and order Kaiju on your phone or tablet, Yay ! Ok, so it’s a work in progress, so if you encounter any broken links and such please let me know so i can let my web guy know. I’ll slowly add back the old content as well .. plus add images and descriptions to the new characters tab. More soon, and Happy Holidays !

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