Max Toy Updates
Just some random updates since Dcon and look for a new Sillyamnder for sale next week !
Thank you for a most awesome Dcon ! We had an amazing response and will be back next year for sureΒ π I wanted to also thank everyone who came up to me to just say “Hello”Β or give a kind compliment … this was the best part of the show !
Set up with booth mate Doug Hardy ! Doug also was selling his Witch Cat LuLu figure !
Max ready to go as the doors open … have no idea at this point if we’ll sell anything !
In the midst of the toy frenzy buying madness, the most famous cartoonist Thien Pham ( ) surprised us with a gift… a box of Howlin Rays chicken sandwich. To be honest, I’ve never heard of it but a random guy saw the box and dashed over and told us it’s a 2 hour wait to get a box and in fact he’d never even seen the box so he had to take a picture of itΒ ;-P Thien did warn us it might be “hot” … Later, Max really wanted to try it but we aren’t really use to spicy foods, so i went first. Lets just say while the flavor was great I don’t think I’ve ever eaten anything this “hot” and my mouth was on FIRE π I told Max he’d better not try it, though he did later and had the same reaction, haha …
Good friend Mike Minjares stopped by … with some good Car stories π
Photographer Brian McCarty ( ) and LATDA museum (A 10 year reunion,Β ) / Japanese American National Museum ( store director Maria Kwong and I reunite after 10 years and the Beyond Ultraman exhibit. I can’t say enough good things about Maria and Brian, such great people !
The show was packed both days and we nearly sold out of everything we brought ;-O Only a few items remain, which are now in the max toy web store. Next year the show moves to a bigger venue in Anaheim ( across from Disneyland ) so we will see you all there for 3 days !
Finished the last of the @Kaiju_One, Trinity figures for a lucky collector ( below )