Happy Holidays and New Alien Xam

Once again very slow to update this page, always best to check our Instagram page: @maxtoyco or join our email list (max toy homepage).

Happy Holidays to everyone ! I wanted to say a BIG “Thank You” for the kind words and support this year ! We will be going into our 18th year of Max Toys !!! Hard to believe where all the time wentΒ  πŸ˜‰


Currently we have a special Pre Order going for the first fully painted Alien Xam !


This will be made to order and painted on a glow in dark sofubi by artist James Osborne / Kaiju Legion !Β  Please read the listing for our Pre Order instructions and how long it may take to arrive… I have to say this will be so worth it !!! Design and sculpt by the Legendary Paul Komoda !