Kaiju Con 2019

Japanese American National Museum

I’m still recovering from Kaiju Con 2019, but in a nutshell it far exceed my expectations ! Plus, the crazy thing is the tickets sold out at the door and they actually had to turn away people wanting to come into the show ! They could see the museum and of course the Kaiju vs Heroes show at least.

I was pulled in many directions, we had a booth, a signing with Gerald Okamura, a Paint Demo and Toy Talk also.

Kaiju Con Crowds
Max Toy table Kaiju Con 2019

While I prefer to stay home and pet the cats … it’s also good to venture out and once I’m out, I do enjoy meeting fans and friends !

Artist Fred Marinello and the Radioactive Giant Bunny !
Love Fred’s work !
Mechavirus in person ! Todd had some drop dead beautiful work !
Awesome Dudes !
Xpanded Universe Mike !
Anatomy Kaiju Eyezon goes home with a Fan !
I didn’t know but the room was full so they stopped letting people into the demo !
I really don’t know what I’m doing 😉 The museum taped the demo and there will be a link to it soon.
Drying brushing Demo !

We also had Martial Arts Legend Gerald Okamura sign his newest figure release for excited fans !

Man of Many Weapons !

And finally, participated in a Rare Toys Round table, hosted by Super Duper Jumbo Machinder collector, Tom Franck, with Justin Ishmael, Quang Le and Mark Nagata ! Video is up on YouTube but I believe the museum will also post it soon ( I’ll post up links when they do) Good times !

Holy Grail Red Bullmark Ultraman

and finally I wish I had more time to talk to the many artists and vendors … but here’s a few …

Happy to add this amazing painting by artist Joel Nakamura to the Ultraman collection !
I didn’t want to pressure Max too much but this was his first time selling customs he painted at a con !

Well, I’m sure I’m missing something but was a awesome convention and people kept asking if there will be another next year … all I can say is I hope so and I’m sure the museum will make a decision about it soon 😉

Keep checking their web site: http://www.janm.org/

And Kaiju vs Heroes, after 10 months, ends July 7th, 2019 ! Last chance to see my exhibit : http://www.janm.org/exhibits/kaiju-vs-heroes/