Tag Archives: shifty toys

BatCat vs Joking Cat sets

BatCat vs Joking Cat ! Shifty Toys collab with Mark Nagata, customizing mini Kaiju Negora πŸ˜‰ Our follow up to the BatCat vs AmeriCat sets.



BatCat was painted by Shifty ( https://www.instagram.com/shifty_toys/ ) , features custom glove spines, Batarang and hand sewn cape by @bunnykftwr !!


Joking Cat is hand painted by Mark Nagata with acrylics and each features custom sculpted hair. Both are based on 70s versions of you know who.


We only have x2 sets left in the web store :


Good Luck !

***Photos by Shifty Toys***

Max Toy Kaiju Updates

Hi All ! Just a few updates most of which have been posted to my

Instagram (@maxtoyco ) !


Many thanks to Rotofugi for once again hosting my customs at their booth via SDCC 2016. Humbled to see they sold out πŸ˜‰


Via Facebook friend, Edouard Jean Le Duc , this artwork with King Neogra was shown on Canadian TV ;-P

Story is at the 14:55 point – http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/728127043954




Sold Out ! Sorry about that folks, we only had x3 sets for sale and they went super fast. Ameri-Cat vs Bat-Cat. @shifty_toys customized the Bat-Cat and I have to say from the paint app to the custom cape by @bunnykftwr stunning work !!! We’re working on a new series so stay tuned and yes this time we’ll make more available πŸ˜‰

And finally spent sometime filming stuff for a future project .. but that’s all I can say !

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