Tag Archives: pin up

New Lady Darkness & Ultimate SaiKobi




Well it’s been awhile but we finally have a new Lady Darkness ! This Tropical version is available in two versions, Face and Mask types ( each sold separately 😉 ) This particular figure sports close to 30 different masks … amazing painted details ! Lady Darkness is a villain of Lady Maxx ( for those who don’t know, buy our Lady Maxx comic book )

DarkWeb_artand below we also have the first factory paint version of our Kaiju Ultimate SaiKobi Mecha Dino figure !


Painted by master Kaiju painters, The Maruyama Brothers, in Japan. How can you go wrong with a half mecha Dino and half Dino, well Dino ! Both in our web store now !

Guillermo Del Toro show at Gallery1988

Here’s a quick post about last Friday’s, Guillermo Del Toro “In Service of Monsters” art show at Gallery 1988 (west) Los Angeles. Curated by Chogrin and Gary Deocampo.

First let em say, the over all caliber of the show was one of the highest I’ve seen, everyone brought their “A” game and more, and it showed. I had a piece in the show so last minute decided to travel down with Max to attend a reception for the artists.

Plane + cab ride and along the way saw this …

2015-09-11 17.42.35Only in L.A. would you see this cool sight… Gort ! I always get a sense of deja vu when visting L.A., I’m not sure why … it might be because I spent my early childhood years in the 70s growing up in the Sawtelle area … and use to have many relatives who lived in the area… I’m sure somewhere in my mind I’ve crossed these streets .. but now it’s just a faded memory …


2015-09-11 18.17.11The gallery space is long but not wide, so it was very packed … some nice touches included custom arches for the show.


2015-09-11 18.20.16Here’s my piece for the show … basically a “pin up” of Mako from Pacific Rim 😉


2015-09-11 18.30.07Mr Del Toro appeared and all the Geeks in the room started sweating, raising the over all temperature to 100+ degrees ! Ok I’m sorta kidding but it was VERY hot in the gallery … !


2015-09-11 18.31.22What can I say, I am a very lucky artist to have spent a few moments with Mr Del Toro.

I’m not really sure what I said ( haha) but forgot to get a picture with Max ;-( … but max did get to shake his hand 😉

By the way, Mr Del Toro took his time with each artist there and made his way thru the whole gallery, talking, taking pictures … this is a class act.


2015-09-11 19.16.44Here’s one of the curators, artist Chogrin … I’m sorry i did not get a shot with the other curator, Gary Deocampo, but both guys were busy working super hard all night !

2015-09-11 18.33.51Both and Max and I are big fans of EM Gist’s work … this one sold out quickly ( darn) !

2015-09-11 19.05.07

And like that, it was over. We had only 4 hours on the ground and had to catch a plane back to San Francisco. While leaving the gallery the line to get into the show was around the block ! Yikes .. !

My original sold (yay !) but prints are still available via Gallery1988 web site plus check out all the other great art here:


Show runs till October 3rd, 2015



Finally can reveal my “pin up” of Mako Mori from Pacific Rim. This was done for the upcoming GUILLERMO DEL TORO: IN SERVICE OF MONSTERS show at Gallery1988 west. Curated by Chogrin & Gary Deocampo. The original and prints will be on sale at the event this Friday, September 11th, 2015.

What a great honor to be included in this show for such a Master !

This will be a killer event from the previews I’ve seen and can’t wait to see them in person 😉

More info here:


#‎guillermodeltoro‬ ‪#‎gdtartshow‬ ‪#‎chogrin‬ ‪#‎gallery1988‬ ‪#‎gallery1988west‬‪#‎monsters‬ 
