Kaiju Con Exclusives & Customs

Saturday, June 15th, 2019 at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles, California, Max Toys and Mark Nagata will have a table and participate in a painting demo and rare toy talk round table ! And, at 1pm come meet the Legendary Martial Artist from many movies and TV appearances Man Of Many Weapons Gerald Okamura at the Max Toy table, 1pm ! Details below !

See the museums web site for full details and a list of dealers and other special events during Kaiju Con ! Plus, it’s a great time to visit, “Kaiju vs Heroes” exhibit before it’s 10 month long run comes to an end on July 7th, 2019.

Some of our exclusives and customs below we are bringing to Kaiju Con !!!

There’s more but I don’t have the energy to post more ;-P See you there and any stuff that doesn’t sell I’ll post up next week π