Tag Archives: kaiju vs heroes

Max Toy Updates

I’m way behind on a few updates so will do my best to catch up here… First off Thank You so much to everyone who came out to see Gerald Okamura, buy his figure, get a autograph and picture. We had a great turn out and Gerald is a masterful storyteller ! I posted a brief clip view my Instagram: maxtoyco which is pretty funny ;-P

Only a few figures and prints are left exclusively via Japanese American National Museum web store : https://janmstore.com/collections/kaiju-vs-heroes Scroll down to the bottom.

I also gave a tour of my exhibit “Kaiju vs Heroes” for museum members. Always glad to inform people about Japanese toys πŸ˜‰

also had some nice Press for the show … KORE media

and here in San Francisco, nice article from Nichi Bei Weekly newspaper.

In a few weeks, should be able to announce something about the exhibit but for now must remain silent ;-P

Kaiju vs Heroes exclusives Japanese American National Museum

Only 9 days away from the opening of my exhibit, Kaiju vs Hereos at the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles !!! You can now pre order some exclusives items via their web store : https://janmstore.com/collections/kaiju-vs-heroes

Like this cool Captain Maxx mugΒ  πŸ˜‰


Special print of the signature show image by the amazing photographer Brian McCarty ! Also, come on the Saturday September 15th, 2018 opening and get Brian to sign the print !!

exclsuive mini Kaiju Drazoran and Kaiju Eyezons !!!

Toy Karma, my first self published book will also be for sale ! Softcover, 6×8 inches, and 60 full color pages. Details my toy life and career but also how the internment of my parents and their families during World War 2 affected my life. Many thanks to FlabSlab for their design production help and to Maria Kwong and Edward Kwan for writing support !



Super cool, anatomy Kaiju Eyezon tshirt too !

There’s more, so check out the museums web store and there’s customs and Marusan exclusives that will only be in the physical store .. so please try to visit the museum in person ! Show runs for 6 months, till March 24th, 2019 !!! Monthly events are planned, so check the museum web site : http://www.janm.org/exhibits/kaiju-vs-heroes/


Don Smiles Giant Robot CrusherG

First up we have only a few of artist Mark Torres’ Don Smiles left ! Go here to grab one ! https://www.maxtoyco.com/shop_item.php?id=1482Β 

Also, new CrusherG here: https://www.maxtoyco.com/shop_item.php?id=1483

and last but certainly not least, I have a Copic drawing ( pen and ink ) in the 15th Anniversary Giant Robot gallery show ! ( thank you Sold !)

Thanks everyone ! Sorry, super busy as the museum arrives soon to wrap and take away hundreds of toys for the Kaiju vs Heroes show in September !! More info very soon … !

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