Tag Archives: japanla

Sanrio X Max Toy X EMP Museum

Well you’d better act fast, the newest Hello Kitty Kaiju is up for order via EMP museum’s web store !!!!!


Its exclusive to them, so no, I don’t have any to sell, sorry ! By the way, if you are in the Seattle area, the EMP museum is a very cool place to visit .. not to mention the Japanese American National Museum Hello Kitty exhibit now running there, but my personal favs are in the basement, tons of original Sci Fi and Horror props .. like the original Alien suit ;-O


Good luck !

Max Toy Updates FOE Hello Kitty Eyezon

Next week on Saturday, June 6th, 2015, I have this original painting (left side) in Bwana Spoon’s FOE gallery show. Check FOE for more details, lots of good stuff to be had !



Just completed this insane Winged Kaiju Eyezon for a fan as well ๐Ÿ˜‰



And last but not least, the final Hello Kitty Kaiju figure is now on sale at the Japanese American National Museum (http://www.janm.org ) store. There was a limited release online but they are now sold out. However, you can buy one in person still but one per person. No phone orders or email saves, sorry to say. Its while supplies last and this being the last weekend of the Hello Kitty 40th Anniversary show, I don’t expect them to last too long. I wanted to take a moment to not only thank the Fans for buying this figure but to Sanrio, Jamie at JapanLA and to Maria Kwong at JANM for their help in making this possible. Many thanks to Makino-san for the perfect sculpt, to Shimizu-san in Tokyo for casting all the vinyl pieces, to the Maruyama Brothers for hand painting each one in Japan and to Yo-san the Man in Japan for coordinating all the production. In order to make one toy there are many people who do their part, so you can have something to collect. So the next time you look at one of our toys or even a toy from Target, just remember that there are humans and hard work behind them ๐Ÿ˜‰


Hello Kitty Closing Party Japanese American National Museum


On May 22nd the Japanese American National Museum (JANM )held it’s closing party for their Hello Kitty 40th Anniversary exhibition. There was an artists signing that i attended which was 2 hours plus of autographing and sketching for a steady stream of amazing Hello Kitty fans. I don’t get out to these types of events much anymore, so it was nice to have the talented Martin Hsu next to me … as entertainmentย  ๐Ÿ˜‰


I actually missed the opening of this show and Hello Kitty Con a few months back due to illness, so I was determined to make this event. My goal was to take a picture with Hello Kitty… goal accomplished !

HelloKittyKaiju_webThe show will end on May 31, so you have only one last weekend to see it in Los Angeles at the museum. The piece above is my contribution to the show called “Hello Kitty Kaiju “.


I actually spent a part if my early childhood growing up in the Sawtelle area of Los Angeles in the early 70s. I have childhood memories of various LA buildings and such … like city hall.


Artists group picture above. I wish I had more time to introduce myself to my fellow artists, but these types of events are hard to do so. I’m so lucky to be asked to such shows, sometimes I’m not sure why I am with so many talented artists.

Photo by Richard Watanabe

HelloKittyKaiju_clear72All during this event we’ve been releasing with Sanrio and JapanLA our original sofubi toy, Hello Kitty Kaiju via the JANM store. The clear version above is our last release … and it barely made it to the signing from Tokyo. According to Jack at Vinyl Pulse, the postal guy wasn’t planning on delivering it since it was late at night, but stopped by anyways and was able to drop it off. We had 50 pieces sent early for the signing … and yes they sold out. Don’t worry the next and last batch have shipped. Keep checking the JANM twitter (@jamuseum) feed for more info on how and when they will be sold.

LuLu_HKLulu approves ๐Ÿ˜‰

Many thanks to the JANM, their staff and volunteers for making this event run so smooth. Looking forward to the future of this Hello Kitty show !

Their web site:ย  http://www.janm.org

Max Toy x Sanrio new Hello Kitty Kaiju !!!


From @jamuseum: Secret Glow Kitty Kaiju by Mark Nagata

Limited Quantity of 100, now available in the museum store & online at janmstore.com $40 each one per customer. Soft glow in the dark.

Exclusive to Japanese American National Museum !!! FYI – there are very limited quantities left in the museum store ( sold out online ! ).

Additional thanks to JapanLA & Sanrio !

Repost from @jamuseum: Secret Glow Kitty Kaiju by Mark Nagata Limited Quantity of 100, now available in the museum store & online at janmstore.com $40 each one per customer. Soft glow in the dark. @hellokitty @sanrio hellokitty40 janm limitededition MaxToy maxtoycompany Exclusive to Japanese American National Museum !!!