Tag Archives: go nagai

New items arrive

Once again, very slow to update here, as always updates can found via Instragram @maxtoyco or join our mailing list !

Here’s whats arrived:

Getter 2 – clear Red and Blue

Mazinger Z Pastel colorways

Glow Garamon PRE ORDER

Gold Dust Alien Xam ( 2.0)


More soon !!!

Max Toy BIG updates

Once again, sorry for not updating this page, but if you want almost daily updates please check my Instagram page : @maxtoyco

First, just got back from Tokyo after over 3 years and in brief had an absolute wonderful time ! Have things changed ? Yes, they have … for one, 99.9% of the people wear a mask everywhere, so it was a struggle to wear a mask basically all day (for me !). As an observation even way out in the middle of now where and outside, with a single guy across the street, he kept his mask onย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ Anyways, not putting down anyone, just a mindset shift compared to here. My main reason to go was to catch up in person with toy friends and attend Winter Wonderfest. I’ll write more about that later after my jet lag passes .. it’s true the older you get the worse the adjustment is coming home (!) Toy shopping wise made it to a few places, but found a lack of Bullmark/Marusan figures .. gone were the days of 3-4+ rows deep of them and at least 5-6+ full cases … now they were single file/row, spread out and barely a few cases for vintage or a mix of vintage with newer Medicom stuff. I can only speculate the vintage stuff is mostly online now, which makes total sense since foreign collectors have not really returned (yet). Oh, I have to say, I’d say I’m an advanced collector and the shelves had vinyls, but lots of newer stuff, that I had zero interest in ๐Ÿ˜‰

Ok on to the news … ! Our big news is Max Toy’s upcoming release of Ultraman and Gomess from the Shin Ultraman movie ! Fully licensed and ยฉ๏ธŽ2022 SUMFP ยฉ๏ธŽTPC !

These will be released in the USA, I hope around May .. so look for a possibe Pre Order in April.. details soon !

Now Sold Out ( although check back to see if any are left in a few days as we ship them out ) Red Clear Mazinger Z figure !

and don’t forget we have Getter 2 figures now in stock and shipping:

Ok more news very soon and thank you again for the support !


Clear Mazinger Z and Updates

I’m slow to update here but as always best to follow us via Instagram @maxtoyco and subscribe to our mailing lists ! Just got these super awesome and fully licensed clear Mazinger Z in stock now ! Here’s some pics and the link to order today !


(above) Now sold, these fantastic Drazorans painted by Magitarius !

and (below) Now sold as well (!) another awesome crop of our alien potato, Eyezon by Wonder Goblin !

and coming VERY soon, new licensed Tsuburaya Productions figures .. you can guess these new characters I thinkย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Max Toy Updates

Sorry guys for the lack of updates here, but for the latest news follow my Instagram: maxtoyco or subscribe to our mailing list on our web page. Lots of drops have already happened and most have fully sold out ( see below) We will have one more drop next week ( I think ) for the year so look out for that.

Pre Orders – All Dark Ultraman orders have shipped ! Thank you for waiting, as it took a bit longer with shipping to get them (roughly 2.5 months).

Also, if you Pre Ordered a Mazinger Z ( normal and wings versions) we got only half of them in stock and those have now shipped out. Obviously if you have not received it, you will be in the next wave ( expected in late Dec/ early Jan. But, I will email you with a offer so please wait for that email.

ย ย ย  Santacluth by MadMonk1869 (now sold out)


Edition of x2 mini Kaiju Eyezon for this weekends Clutter Holiday show. Contact them for more info !


Now sold out, Mazinger Z Max Toy editions from Holy Mountain Toys.

Awesome pictures they took !!


New Eyezon project with Artist Sophie Campbell and Sculptor Beth Graves ! Apologies to Beth, this is a super duper rough to her sculpt, but don’t worry it’s looking Fantastic and I will post more in progress pics very soon !


Looking forward, for January 1st, 2021, we have a major drop coming !!! You have been warnedย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

I want to take a moment to say “Thank You” so much for the wonderful support of Max Toys (here and in Japan) for this year ! It’s not been the best of years on many levels, but as we close out, I think a glimmer of hope on the horizon for better days ahead.

As a small business, I appreciate your support, and even if just a kind word. I encourage you to support your favorite independent artists if you can as I know many are struggling during this pandemic.

Happy Holidays !


Your Kaiju Pal,


Mazinger Z , Paint Demo and BobaBots !

Major Toy Announcement !
Here are the first images of our collab with the Legend Go Nagai / Dynamic Pro ! Sofubi Mazinger Z !!!
Fully licensed, he will come in two versions ( No Wings and Wings ) and stands roughly 6 inches tall !!
USA Pre Orders will start very soon !! This figure will be available to ship worldwide !!
Figure sculpted by P.P.Pudding with Coordination by Yo Miyamoto. Fully cast and painted in Japan.
Stay tuned for more info !
And .. in a few weeks don’t miss a Special Zoom painting demo and Q&A with Myself and Todd Mechavirus Robertson @mechavirus on Saturday, October 24th, 2020 2 pm West Coast time.
Purchase your ticket ( with original drawing on the back ! ) and get a Sofubi Captain Maxx head, too ! Details in the link below !!
The good folks at Story Spark now have up for sale these two awesome custom Boba Bots painted by Mark Nagata ๐Ÿ˜‰ Here’s the link plus check out the cool Chrome version plus their super cool tees !

Max Toy Updates (Lots !)

Ok lots of updates so I’ll get to it … ! and yes, this is the same as our email news letter … ;-P
Cool to announce we will have a retro style sofubi of GoNagai’s character Cutie Honey !
Max Toy x Dynamic Pro ! Fully licensed for Japan & the USA ( yay !) Details soon so look for more info to be posted. Production and Project Coordination Yo Miyamoto and Figure is sculpted by Makino-san once again to perfection !
Max Toy x Tsuburaya ! Yes, another tease for another special project .. again, fully licensed and “some” of them will be available to sell in the USA. It’s a long story, but at least I will be able to sell a few in the US… Once again, details very soon. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Max Toy / Mark Nagata – Honored to announce we are apart of a select group of toy artists, involved in this upcoming museum exhibit at the TOPIC museum in Spain, curated by Art Toy Gama. They will announce all the details soon but some of the items will also be for sale.
Follow them here : @arttoygama and here: www.pinterest.com/arttoygama
Go over to good friend, Mechavirus Todd Robertson’s page for some very cool Nyagira customs ! Amazing details as always ! http://mechavirus.bigcartel.com/
Love the crazy whiskers !!
Also, posted a tease of some PlanetX asia customs … look for them at STGCC Singapore and my mini show at DaiKaiju Salon Tokyo. I’ll send out an email about those events next week ๐Ÿ˜‰ Picture below is of the Glow Ettin I did .. I use thin paints to let the glow show thru, but as you see it still looks good in the daylight ( I think ) haha …!
And, speaking of STGCC in about a week I will be a guest and bringing lots of goodies and have a bunch of wonderful collabs to show ! Fingers crossed that we also have two new vinyl “heads” to sell and show .. but more on that next week !
Thanks again for the support everyone as we head into our lucky 13th year !!!
Your Kaiju Pal,