Max Toy Updates March 22, 2015
Excited to be offering you a micro run of Alien Argus figures exclusively thru Vinyl Kaiju Legion web site. It’s been a few years since offering a full sized Argus so nows your chance to grab one of only 3 in this edition 😉 They go up for sale on Monday. By the way, while you’re there check out the cool toys they have for sale and if you’re looking for something be sure and email them… cool folks !
I’ve been slowly adding a few new customs to the web store including this clear with guts mini Kaiju Eyezon, plus more coming up.
Also the Max Boy figure is at the iron molds factory so hope to have test shots in about 10 days, than off for paint masks. I think a late April / May due date (!) While ALL of my figures I love, this one is really a very personal one and I’ve thought about it for many, many years 😉 Thanks to the oh so talented Javier Jimenez for the super cool header card posted here as well.BY the way, congrats to Javier on raising nearly double the funds he needed for his upcoming Wananeko soft vinyl figure. I’d keep my eye on this kid 😉
And, don’t forget, our Nyagira Cat online show ! Full line up and show card posted. All the pieces will be posted on April 10th, via More details as we get closer, and if you search under #Nyagira you’ll see some really cool in progress customs !
Coming up more customs for ToyConUK HangGang & KaijuMonsteR booths and a FOE gallery custom show all in April. Ringo Racoon should be up for sale in the USA too, we sold a few this past Saturday in Osaka… but don’t worry the same figure will be here too.
Pre Ordered Painted King Negoras should also be done end of March, for early April shipping, thank you for waiting.
Tiny delay in the next Hello Kitty Kaiju release at JANM but it’s in production and looking like a April release. The show has been extended thru May with new additions so be sure and check it out.
OK there’s more coming but I have to get back to painting >_<
Thank you again for the continued support and hello to all the new fans as well !!!